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Last year was a living hell on Earth. But that’s behind me. I’m now starting over in so many ways. And that’s a good thing.

Last year was a living hell on Earth. But that’s behind me. I’m now starting over in so many ways. And that’s a good thing. Check out the new video blog at the link below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX-AbAIxBEc

"LIKE" me on Facebook!

My upcoming New York Times Bestseller “Little Big Man” is set to be released soon. Help support me and “LIKE” my new Facebook Fan Page, it will provide hilarious blurbs, excerpts  on my Book, and many more great updates! Thank you for all of your support!  

Rick Bassman with Dave Meltzer & Bryan Alvarez on Wrestling Observer Radio

Check out Rick Bassman with Dave Meltzer & Bryan Alvarez on Wrestling Observer Radio! http://www.f4wonline.com/component/content/article/30390-mar-22-observer-radio-bryan-alvarez-and-dave-meltzer-talk-to-rick-bassman-about-helping-launch-the-careers-of-sting-warrior-cena-samoa-joe-and-countless-others-triumph-and-tragedy-new-book-on-it-all-so-much-more

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