UPW Becomes a Twinkle in my Eye.

I HAD to police things at my gym, Extreme University; taking as much pride in it –if not more– than anything I had ever done.  We have an up-scale, paying membership, while simultaneously training classes of Wrestlers and Fighters that are probably the best and the most colorful in the US at that time.  The former (the members) are very “attracted” to the latter (the Fighters and the Wrestlers), yet order has to be maintained to make the housewives and executives feel safe and comfortable.  It’s a delicate balance to attain and maintain.  I should have made such an attempt at balance to all aspects of my life.


As EU races toward the crescendo of its success, both in paid membership and especially with Ultimate University, Justin McCully speaks eight words that set me on a course that would change and largely define much of life to come.  “Hey boss, why don’t we do a show?”


I agree it’s a great idea.  To keep my “Promotion’s” name consistent with my school, and in further homage to the Ultimate Fighting Championships, I call the new company “Ultimate Pro Wrestling,” or UPW for short.74502_329327943847035_187114799_n

With life-long friends Nathan Jones and Jon Heidenreich, right at the beginning of their pro wrestling careers. Here we are backstage at one of my many UPW shows.