GOGO’S STORY! If you love dogs as much as I do (or even a little bit!), please read this!
As many of you know, I am very dedicated to my beloved pups Ramone & GoGo (and to the memory of Marley, may he be resting –and playing forever– in peace). As you may also know, I adopted GoGo from Linda Blair’s Worldheart Organization three years ago this month. Linda and I have become close friends since. Last night, I sent Linda a quick text (the first one below). This started a lengthy exchange, which I wanted to share with you.
From me to Linda:
I am GoGo. I can’t help how cute and pretty and beautiful and gorgeous I am. Don’t blame me, it’s not my fault.
From Linda to me:
Dear GoGo, you are so beautiful! I love you very much. Your daddy is trying to help me find ways to help your other doggy friends. He is the best daddy ever! Your brother Ramone is a good brother (or is it husband?!?). You must admit, we picked well for you! With love and stay beautiful and give a kiss to your brother and one to your daddy. Your forever friend and lady, Linda.
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From Linda:
I am curious to know what she is mixed with? I really never stopped to think but I was always curious. She came from Wasco Animal Shelter. Did you ever hear her story? It was very sad. She and her husband Steeler,were owned by a teenaged boy who had them have a litter of puppies. Teenage boy sold the puppies. Then, when it was freezing in winter, GoGo and Steeler were left in a small cage in the backyard with no food and water. The boy’s mother realized the dogs were out there and that the son had abandoned them. She called Animal Control after she had fed them and they came. During that time, GoGo was pregnant again. They sat in this cold, small shelter cage, where there was one very loving animal control officer. Larry, I believe. He called me personally and told me their sad story and asked, “Linda please, is there any way you can help them?” Otherwise, I am forced to put the family to sleep. That’s how they were saved. Shorty (of “The Pit Boss,” my note) just happened to need a great rescue for their show and because they thought Mommy, daddy and puppies would make for a good show, that’s how GoGo ended up on TV. None of it would have happened without that nice officer looking out for them & calling me to beg to save their lives! Love, Linda.
From me:
Oh my God. I always wondered what her story was, but didn’t know that YOU knew! (or maybe I was just afraid to ask). This breaks my heart. One thing I can tell you for sure…beautiful baby will never, EVER want for anything…warmth, food, shelter, love…especially love! My guess is that she’s part Stafforshire Bull Terrier and AmStaff. She’s definitely all heart! Doesn’t matter to me…she’s the best J
From Linda:
I always thought you knew. Then tonight, I thought I would tell you in case you didn’t. I wonder why we never talked about her story. She also was covered in mange , along with her puppies. Steeler too. She was starved, nipples hanging down to the ground, just a mess. Really sad and pathetic. Took a long time to start her on her way back. And you and Ramone have gotten her the rest of the way there. I don’t have a lot of pictures of her in that state because I don’t like to embarrass dogs like that but I must have stuff somewhere. Remind me someday to look for them if you’d like to see them, okay?
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From me:
I will. I want that photo, or photos. It sounds crazy I know, but I’ve never loved anyone or anything more than I do her. I want you to know that our sweet girl will be safe and healthy and happy to the end of her days. Which is a loooong ways off!
With just a little Google research, I’ve learned that the Wasco Animal Control Officer Linda refers to is Larry Jennings. I called their office earlier this morning and left him a message. I also e-mailed him this story. Me & Ramone want to thank Officer Jennings and Linda Blair for all they did for GoGo, and for delivering this beautiful soul to us!
Please support Linda Blair’s World Heart Organization. You can make a difference by pledging here: http://www.lindablairworldheart.org/donate/
For more on Ramone & GoGo, please “LIKE” them here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ramone-GoGo/1531067790467676 and check out our site at www.rickbassman.com