Episode 3 – with Sara Enos Ondrako, American Pit Bull Foundation & The Pit Bull Podcast

Hosts Rick Bassman and Mina Martinez believe that dogs are the most beautiful creatures on earth, as they share a passion centered on love and support for their beloved bully breeds. As long-time dedicated advocates for pit bull-type dogs and as activists with a mutual goal to better the bullies’ steep challenges, Mina and Rick have come together to shine a truthful light on the far-too-often misunderstood pit bull. Featuring expert guests on every relevant topic surrounding the bully breeds, The Pit Bull Podcast does a deep dive into rescue –including fostering and adopting –and how to succeed at it, breed-specific legislation, media vilification, dog fighting, breeding, and the plight of pit bulls entering the shelter system. We can change the world for pit bulls, one dog at a time. Join us here to help us make that difference right here on The Pit Bull Podcast.

Episode 3 – with Sara Enos Ondrako, American Pit Bull Foundation & The Pit Bull Podcast

Sara  Enos Ondrako is known and respected as one of the world’s leading experts on the Pit Bull.  As the founder and CO of the American Pit Bull Foundation, Sara has been at the forefront of combatting breed-specific legislation, spay and neuter, adopt-don’t-shop movement, and advocating for the world to have an accurate perception of our beloved bullies. 

Sara joins Rick and Mina for a very pragmatic, yet no-hold-barred look at what is being done to help pit bull-type dogs, and a look into what we can all do to help going forward.